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Digital Marketing

Our main goal is for our clients to attain high customer base and global brand recognition. We indulge in social media platforms content development. We develop professional eye-catching presentations.

Social Media Marketing

Our Digital Marketing Services include social media marketing this is the use of Social Platforms i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram and many more.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You’ve Got your site & yet don’t rank on first page on search results, Our Digital Marketing Services seek to make your site rank higher than your competitor.

Website Analytics & Audit

Track your website performance, top selling content in your site and make it easy to tweak your content. With our website audit, you get to know what sections of your website need improvement to help your rank better.

E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing provides a great platform to reach your clients, nearly every owns an E-mail.With our Digital Marketing Services in Kenya, Our team of experts will ensure more opens on emails sent to your clients.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing includes paid advertising, this includes; Google Adwords. Adwords. Quickly Get into the first page of google by running Paid Google Search Adwords.

Content Marketing

Your clients would like to hear about your brand. This is an effective way to generate leads. You don’t have to worry about it, our digital marketing services in Kenya provides content strategy.


Bora & Zuri Technology is a leading and skilled consultancy and training company. We manage end user trainings for solutions developed and manage final technology transfer.